"INSTITUTIONAL INTEGRATION" Dr. Aniceto Rodríguez Delgado President Dr. Rafael Antonio Mirabal Batista Secretary Dr. Kemil Issa Lora Secretary of Finance Dr. Asmín Aquino Rodríguez Secretary of Scientific and International Affairs Dra. Gladys Polanco Secretary of Logistics and Events Dr. Enriquillo Clime Rivera Secretary of Press and Communications Dra. Cynthia Disla 1st Vocal Dr. Jean Paul Giudicelli Saba 2nd Vocal Dr. Manuel Peralta García 3rd Vocal ETHICS COMMITTEE Dr. Rubén Carrasco Peña President Dr. Carlos Jimenez Miranda Dr. Robert Ureña Echavarría PREVENTION AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Dr. Juan Bautista Lora President Dra. Quisqueya De La Rosa Saiz Dr. Franklin Peña Romero